Using Packer for faster provisioning

Speeding up the provisioning process by installing things ahead of time

posted 2018-04-08 by Thomas Kooi

DigitalOcean Packer Terraform

I have various Terraform modules for many purposes and often they end up using CentOS with a Docker install script. While demoing something to a co-worker, we had to wait ~7 minutes for a Terraform apply it to finish with an install script. This should be a lot faster, so I sat down this sunday and looked into Packer.

Since I am already making heavy use of Terraform, taking a peak at Packer is a small next step. Turns out, it’s nice and easy, though initially the documentation of Packer seemed a bit confusing (I expected it to be similair to Terraform).

So my main use case is installing some specific versions of Docker CE and Kubeadm. Pretty much all of my Terraform projects involve a Docker installation. To run the full installation script takes ~5 minutes, excluding any additional steps for configuration or host specific installs. Now I know I could simply use the provided Docker image on DigitalOcean, but where’s the fun in that (besides, I wanted specific versions of Docker CE).

Most of the time I first provision a bunch of master machines (Docker Swarm mode masters, etcd, or kubernetes api servers), followed by a couple of worker nodes. This means I often have to wait ~10 minutes for the entire thing to finish, on top of all the other things that need installing and configuring…

I figured I’d start out simple and take the DigitalOcean builder example from Packer.

  "type": "digitalocean",
  "api_token": "YOUR API KEY",
  "image": "ubuntu-14-04-x64",
  "region": "nyc3",
  "size": "512mb",
  "ssh_username": "root"

And turn it into a packer config file:

  "builders": [
      "type": "digitalocean",
      "api_token": "MY_TOKEN",
      "image": "centos-7-x64",
      "region": "ams3",
      "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb",
      "ssh_username": "root"

  "provisioners": [
      "type": "shell",
      "script": "digitalocean/scripts/"

And the contents of digitalocean/scripts/


# install docker
yum update -y

yum install -y docker
systemctl enable docker && systemctl start docker

# get kubernetes repo
cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
setenforce 0

# install kubernetes
yum install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
systemctl enable kubelet && systemctl start kubelet

cat <<EOF >  /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
sysctl --system

Building the image turns out to be as simple as:

$ packer build docker-kubeadm.json

And off we go;

digitalocean output will be in this color.

==> digitalocean: Creating temporary ssh key for droplet...
==> digitalocean: Creating droplet...
==> digitalocean: Waiting for droplet to become active...
==> digitalocean: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> digitalocean: Connected to SSH!
==> digitalocean: Provisioning with shell script: digitalocean/scripts/
    digitalocean: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    digitalocean: Determining fastest mirrors
    digitalocean:  * base:
    digitalocean:  * extras:
    digitalocean:  * updates:
==> digitalocean: Gracefully shutting down droplet...
==> digitalocean: Creating snapshot: packer-1523190279
==> digitalocean: Waiting for snapshot to complete...
==> digitalocean: Destroying droplet...
==> digitalocean: Deleting temporary ssh key...
Build 'digitalocean' finished.

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> digitalocean: A snapshot was created: 'packer-1523190279' (ID: 33289213) in regions ''

Now when I look at the available images using doctl:

$ doctl compute image ls
ID          Name                 Type        Distribution    Slug    Public    Min Disk
33289213    packer-1523190279    snapshot    CentOS                  false     25

Creating some flavours

I have a couple of flavours that I usually use; Just plain Docker CE, one of the latest stable builds, and Docker with kubeadm.

A simple change to the standard Docker CE installation script gave me a shared script to install Docker CE:

# Installing Docker CE On CentOS distributions

export VERSION=${VERSION:-18.03.0.ce-1.el7.centos}

yum update -y
yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2

yum-config-manager \
  --add-repo \

yum install -y docker-ce-$VERSION
systemctl start docker

Now I just needed to add some configuration for creating an image for multiple docker versions. I started with Docker v17.12.0 and Docker v18.03.0.

  "builders": [
      "type": "digitalocean",
      "api_token": "MY_TOKEN",
      "image": "centos-7-x64",
      "region": "ams3",
      "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb",
      "ssh_username": "root",
      "snapshot_name": "docker-v17.12.0-ce",
      "snapshot_regions": ["ams3"]
  "provisioners": [
      "type": "shell",
      "environment_vars": ["VERSION=17.12.0.ce-1.el7.centos"],
      "script": "digitalocean/scripts/"

When building this with Packer for a couple different Docker versions, I ended up with the following images:

$ doctl compute image ls
ID          Name                 Type        Distribution    Slug    Public    Min Disk
33289213    packer-1523190279    snapshot    CentOS                  false     25
33289232    docker-v17.12.0-ce   snapshot    CentOS                  false     25
33289248    docker-v18.03.0-ce   snapshot    CentOS                  false     25

Reusing in Terraform

In Provisioning a Swarm mode cluster I talked about the Terraform module I use for creating a quick Docker swarm mode lab. I always either used the Docker image provided by DigitalOcean or ran an install script using user_data.

Instead I am now able to point towards the image I just created using Packer:

data "digitalocean_image" "docker_image" {
  name = "docker-v17.12.0-ce"

module "swarm-cluster" {
    source            = "thojkooi/docker-swarm-mode/digitalocean"
    version           = "0.1.0"
    total_managers    = 1
    total_workers     = 1
    domain            = ""
    do_token          = "${var.do_token}"
    manager_ssh_keys  = "${var.ssh_keys}"
    worker_ssh_keys   = "${var.ssh_keys}"
    manager_os        = "${data.digitalocean_image.docker_image.image}"
    worker_os         = "${data.digitalocean_image.docker_image.image}"
    provision_user    = "root"
    manager_tags      = ["${}", "${}"]
    worker_tags       = ["${}", "${}"]

So Packer is a nice and simple tool to use. I will definely be using this more. Storing a snapshot on DigitalOcean is only around $0.05 at time of writing.

Looking at the size of the images I just created, this is about $0.30 a month, and it saves me around 5 minutes when provisioning a new droplet.

thojkooi ~ $ doctl compute snapshot ls
ID          Name                  Created at              Regions    Resource ID    Resource Type    Min Disk Size    Size
33289213    packer-1523190279     2018-04-08T12:29:23Z    [ams3]     88805641       droplet          25               1.57 GiB
33289232    docker-v17.12.0-ce    2018-04-08T12:36:51Z    [ams3]     88806114       droplet          25               1.34 GiB
33289248    docker-v18.03.0-ce    2018-04-08T12:45:46Z    [ams3]     88806835       droplet          25               1.37 GiB