
Auto scaling in Kubernetes (Part 2)

Using linkerd for auto scaling
Posted 2021-08-07

In the first part of this post, we visited auto scaling using the metrics server. In part two, we will look at using custom metrics, specifically those from linkerd and ingress-nginx to perform auto scaling based on latency and requests per second.

Using auto scaling in Kubernetes (Part 1)

Taking a look at autoscaling on Kubernetes in practice
Posted 2021-08-07

One of the many useful features within Kubernetes, is the concept of horizontal autoscaling your deployments. In this post, we will take a closer look at how to configure this, and some things to watch out for. This post about auto scaling has been split into 2 parts. The first is about auto scaling using CPU and memory metrics. Part 2 focusses on auto scaling with ingress-nginx and linkerd.